
CAS Accreditation


CAS Accreditation


Do you have an accounting or ERP system that needs to be accredited by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)? Our experts can assist you in securing this accreditation via our Computerized Accounting System (CAS) services.

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Our Computerized Accounting System (CAS) Accreditation Services include :

I. Assessment of the system, data and reports readiness for accreditation

  1. Assessment of the business process and accounting system to be accredited.
  2. Determination of the transactions, processes and reports to be included or excluded in the application.

II. Consultation with regards to the preparation of documentary requirements

  1. Provision of the list of requirements.
  2. Provision of the templates to comply with the requirements.
  3. Assistance in the preparation of the documentary requirements.
  4. Review of the documents prior to compilation and submission.
  5. Submission of the application.
  6. Securing the schedule for system demonstration, if required.

III. Consultation with regards to the preparation for CAS demonstration

  1. Selection of the transactions to be used for the presentation.
  2. Review of the reports and system outputs.
  3. Assistance during the practices prior to the actual demonstration.
  4. Assistance during the actual demonstration

IV. Represention on behalf of the client during the accreditation process: application, preparation and demonstration.

  1. Represent and speak for the client during the demonstration and preparation of the PowerPoint presentation.
  2. Compilation of the documentary requirements.
  3. Submission of the requirements.
  4. Securing the schedule for the system demonstration, if necessary.
  5. Coordination with the BIR personnel to secure the approval of the application.

Indicated rate is the minimum fee.


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